Home Stranger Than Fiction

Stranger Than Fiction

Some stories are neither fact nor fiction.

“And When Did The Kindness End?”

Two poems - "The Moplah Speaks of Rivers" and "The Country of Infidel Airplanes"

Poetry Resurrects Itself: Translation of Two Poems by Jyoti Prasad Agarwala

Translations of two poems by the doyen of Assamese literature.

You Can’t Breathe, We Are Blind

I am not a hypocrite, India is just not the same, as the west.

“Cinema Will Help Us Survive”: Five Assamese Filmmakers on the COVID-19 Crisis

A new wave of Assamese cinema had just taken off when the COVID-19 crisis hit. Five prominent filmmakers talk about the damages caused and what the future looks like.


Who will believe you, Muslim man?

Crisis and Compassion: How Six Music Stars of Assam Are Spending Their Lockdown Days

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a crippling effect on Assam's music industry. How are the state's top music makers coping with that?

Hunger, Helplessness, Hope: How Five Young Assamese Poets Are Spending Their Lockdown Days

Jyotirmoy Talukdar speaks to five prominent young poets from Assam about how they see the COVID-19 crisis and the ensuing lockdown.

There is a tunnel

Where are those good old days? / Will they ever be here, anymore?

Festering Wounds and Little Closures

The India-Pakistan partition might have been “one of the greatest administrative operations in history” for Lord Mountbatten, but it was a calamitous event for many others.

A Ballad of Bawling Babies

Verses on war and what follows.